Join Us

Become a Member

Application for Membership


Join the New Mexico Behavioral Health Providers Association to connect with a network of New Mexico behavioral health providers, gain access to vital resources and advocacy, and enhance your organization's impact and visibility in the behavioral health community.

  • Networking and Resource Sharing: Connect with over 70 publicly funded behavioral healthcare providers in New Mexico.
  • Advocacy and Representation: Be part of a collective voice advocating for the interests of behavioral health providers in New Mexico.
  • Visibility: Increase visibility within the behavioral health community and potential clients.
  • Research and Data: Receive access to relevant research findings, data, and reports related to behavioral health in New Mexico.
  • Member Communications: Receive regular updates, and communications to stay informed about association activities and industry news. Access member-only discussion groups to facilitate communication and information exchange.
  • National Council for Mental Wellbeing: Become a fulltime member of the National Council with full membership benefits.

Applicants should complete an application through Member365 requesting consideration for membership. Select the application below that best fits your needs. It will be reviewed by the Executive Committee and recommended for approval by a majority vote of the Board.

Membership Categories and Annual Dues are recommended by the Board of Directors and approved by the Membership annually. Annual Dues apply to the Fiscal Year, July 1 – June 30, and are invoiced to members and are due July 15 each year. Members may select an option for a partial payment in July and October. Members who join after December 1, will have prorated dues based on the number of months remaining through June.

The Association recognizes the four types of membership. All members must be actively involved in providing publicly funded behavioral health care in New Mexico.